Olive Leaf Tincture

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Olive Leaf, is a medicinal herb and is also known as Olea europa.

In the early 1900’s, a bitter compound from the leaf of olive trees was discovered, it was called oleuropein. It was determined to be one of the plant’s most powerful disease fighting compounds. 



Spagyric Tincture of Olea europea in ahydro-ethonolic extract




Olive Leaf has traditionally been used for:

Relief of High Blood pressure,  

Natural antibiotic 



Immune booster 

Relief from the common cold, and MANY more.

In 1962 researchers found that oleuropein could lower blood pressure and increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias, and prevent intestinal muscle spasms.

In the late 1960s, researchers showed that elenolic acid, another powerful compound found in the olive leaf, could kill many kinds of viruses, bacteria and parasitic protozoans.

Olive Leaf is also effective against antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, yeast strains and other fungi that contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome.

A 1993 study reported that olive leaf extract treatment provided relief from Herpesvirus symptoms.

A 1994 experiment found that oleuropein inhibited the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins.

According to Dr. Morton Walker (Author of more than 60 books and over 1800 clinical papers) “there is not a known pathogen that olive leaf is not effective against”